What is Bauhaus - Mvsevm


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“What is the Bauhaus? The Bauhaus is an answer to the question: how can the artist be trained to take his place in the machine age.”

The Story

The Bauhaus, an artistic institution of higher education whose aim was to overcome the contrast between art and craft and integrate artistic expression with industry, was founded in Weimar
one hundred years ago in 1919. Amongst the teachers was the school’s founder, Walter Gropius, as well as the artists Paul Klee, Vasilij Kandinskij and László Moholy–Nagy, the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and many others. Opposed by the most conservative environments, the school moved to Dessau
in 1926, to a site also designed by Gropius, which was abandoned a few years later. The definitive closure did not stop the ideas of the Bauhaus, which spread all over the world thanks to the activity of former teachers who emigrated to the United States, forever changing the fields of design.

The Story

What is the Bauhaus?
The Bauhaus is an answer to the
question: how can the artist be trained

to take his place in the machine age.

HOW did the Bauhaus idea being?
As a school which became the most iportant and influential institution of its kindbin modern times.

In Germany, first at Weimar, then at Dessau.

From 1919 until closed by the National Socialists in 1933.

WHAT did they teach?
Architecture, housing, painting, sculpture, photography, cinema, theatre, ballet, industrial design, pottery, metal work, textiles, advertising, typography and, above all, a modern philosophy of design.

WHO were its teachers?
Walter Gropius, fondatore e primo direttore, Kandinsky, Klee, Feininger, Schlemmer, Itten, Moholy–Nagy, Albers, Bayer, Breuer, and other.

Extract: Bauhaus 1919–1928 edited by Herbert Bayer, Ise Gropius, Walter Gropius (Chairman of the Depart ment of Architecture, Harvard University).

Why is the Bauhaus so important?

Because it courageously accepdet the machine as an instrument worthy of the artist.



The diagram of the teaching structure of the Bauhaus conceived by Walter Gropius in 1922.

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